Welcome to the ESQUEL Guide, an online resource library of posts written to help the average person learn and understand some common ideas about money, and what to do with it (no matter how little you may have). Actually, even if you have a considerable nest egg, you may still have questions about different things to do with it.
That’s where this guide may come in handy. We can likely start with the basics. For example, do you know the different types of investment accounts? Do you know the difference between trading stocks and trading options? How about the difference between a traditional IRA and Roth Ira?
What about investing in commodities? Bonds? Precious metals?
Or, maybe all you need to know is how to teach your child some basics about fiscal responsibility. Whatever your situation happens to be, I would like you to know that you are not alone! Let us explore EQUEL’s posts together, and learn to grow our nest eggs!